Schools tuition | ABC Teachers
Supporting your
tutoring needs
Providing tutoring & catch-up sessions for students not in school, SATs, GCSE & A-Level exam prep & pupils who require extra support with learning
branches across the group
registered teachers & support staff
client schools & colleges
school preferred supplier agreements

Supplying the extra tuition you need

Whether you want an intensive tuition package or a one-off catch-up session - we offer tutoring tailored to your requirements.
One-to-one & small groups
Delivered either face-to-face or online, we carefully select a tutor who has the skills to meet your school and pupils needs. Engaging learning sessions are delivered through our bespoke online tutoring platform with high quality video, sound live chat and interactive whiteboard.
LAC tuition
We provide mentoring support packages for students who are not able to access an education setting and pupils who require extra learning support. Fully equipped to deliver both academic and vocational sessions, as well as teach communication, social and life skills, our tutors work with children and young people from a range of different backgrounds.
Bespoke packages
Our sessions can be designed to meet your students exact requirements. You decide what to cover, how many sessions, duration and group size and we'll create it. You also don't have to be restricted by the school day - our tutors are available before, during and after school, on weekends and during school holidays.
Here to help your school - let’s talk!
Our friendly consultants would love to hear more about your school’s recruitment needs - get in touch with your local branch today
Tell us about your vacancy
Need help with a long-term or permanent vacancy - we’re here to make recruitment easy for you

Why choose us?

ABC Teachers offer a first-class temporary recruitment service for primary, secondary and SEND schools, colleges and other alternative provision across the East and West Midlands.
Why choose us
Face-to-face & online learning options available
Why choose us
Round the clock learning: before, during & after school, weekends & school holidays
Why choose us
Bespoke online portal for interactive learning
Why choose us
High quality tutors skilled in delivering catch-up learning
Why choose us
All tutors fully vetted with our Gold Standard safeguarding processes
Safeguarding pupils
Protecting children & young people is our main priority. You can be fully confident that all safeguarding requirements have been taken care of
Your partner of choice
Enjoy the added benefits of choosing ABC Teachers to be your school or multi-academy trust’s preferred supplier

School-led tutoring

We provide schools tuition support through the NTP’s School-Led Tutoring Scheme, a flexible scheme available this academic year. We can deliver all your catch-up learning to help improve outcomes for your pupils who need it the most.

It is different from other funding schemes because you will have the freedom and flexibility to use it as you see fit - you can decide to use the funding for 1-1 tuition or for small groups of 2 or 3 pupils in years 1-11. You can also decide what subject areas to cover, based on what your students need.

Our other recruitment services

  • Supply

    Supplying staff for your last minute & short-term absences

  • Permanent

    Attracting top teaching talent & support staff for your school

  • Executive search

    Recruiting inspirational & outstanding leaders who’ll help your school shine


We’re proud of what our
schools say about us

We have built up an excellent relationship with our consultant and trust him implicitly to ensure we have quality supply staff in our school. He has worked tirelessly to support us over the past 8 years and continues to be excellent. We have given up using other supply agencies due to the excellent relationship we have with ABC Teachers.

Rob Fletcher,
Headteacher, Fordbridge Primary

Our consultant is very professional. She understands the needs of the school and our expectations and because of this she delivers excellent staff.

Debbie Maycock,
Business Manager, Imperial Avenue Infant School