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Catch-up learning - what funding is available for your school?

With new funding schemes being introduced for ‘catch-up learning' or ‘recovery education', it's hard to keep up with what's available and where to find the information. To help you and your school find the information you need, here are 3 funding schemes* designed to support those who need to catch-up the most.

National Tutoring Programme

This has been in place for the last year and will be expanded for 2021/22 to continue to support learners. There will be 3 options available: Tuition Partners, Academic Mentors or School-led Tutoring. You will be able to take advantage of the options that suits your school and pupils best. Find out all about what's available to you .

School-led Grant Funding

As one of the arms of the National Tutoring Programme, this scheme is making funding available so schools can decide what tutoring support to put in place themselves. It can be spent on 1-2-1 or small group tuition. With this scheme, schools also have the option to utilise existing support or school staff who are familiar with pupils and the school, to provide consistency for pupils. Take a look at this brochure from the NTP website for further information.

Core Subject Support

Maths and English are vital for pupils to grasp early on to prevent difficulties later in education. Due to this, the government is providing funding for specialist training, materials, and focused sessions for those in critical year groups. This support will underpin and strengthen the start of young people's education journey. Here's more on how you can access this funding.

We all know how important this extra tuition is for children and young people, and it's likely more initiatives will be introduced throughout the next academic year to ensure pupils can catch up. We'll do our best to share the latest knowledge and changes in the sector as they happen because we wouldn't want any pupil or school to miss out!

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*Eligibility criteria will apply. Please check eligibility criteria, how to apply and application deadlines for each scheme before applying.

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